A Reddleman
Reddleman: noun, plural, red·dle·men.
One who travels the country marking flocks of sheep with a red mineral called "reddle", a term for red ochre.
Why would i choose to leave my fathers trade as a dairy farmer, and become a reddleman? A trade that has stained me red from head to foot. I had to. If being a dairy farmer- which is a way higher class job- wasnt enough, then why even do that? I chose to become a reddleman because honestly, i can hide behind this trade. Thomasin wrote that it was the reason of my trade, that her aunt would not approve of me. She said:
"Another reason is my aunt. She would not, I know, agree to it, even if i wished to have you. She likes you very well, but she will want me to look a little higher than a small dairy farmer, and marry a professional man..." (1. 9. 86)
This may or may not be true. Maybe Mrs. Yeobright would approve of me. Maybe this is just an excuse for Thomasin to reject me. All i know is, every time i read these words over and over, it pains me. I love her so much, and she just does not see me. So, this is why i chose the reddleman trade. I wish to have no one but her. And if i can not have her, then i do not want anyone. Being a reddleman helps me hide myself more.
As the reddleman, it give me the advantage of watching over Egdon Heath. I am like the eyes of the Heath. I can watch over Tamsie and those in her life, and make sure she is happy. As a reddleman, i am invisible to those around me. No one really notices me. "most ghosts be white; but this is as if it had been dipped in blood" (770) And with this i can easily watch over those i love. I am part of the Heath now, it is my home.
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